Terms of Service and Refunds

StreamwoodPC’s Refunds and Terms of Service

We are confident that you will be completely satisfied with your purchase from StreamwoodPC.

All customers must read, understand and agree to our Terms of Service / Refund Policy before placing a service or purchase order with us.

Please familiarize yourself with our rules regarding deposits and their refundability. If you do not agree with our policies, please do not place any service or purchase orders with us. There are no exceptions to these rules.

We reserve the right to retain the services of third-party collection companies in the event of non-payment and in the event of a chargeback being issued. Any fraudulent chargebacks made to credit card companies, banking institutions or third-party payment providers will be reported to local law enforcement and will be pursued to the fullest extent permissible by law.

Should you be unsatisfied with your purchase or service for any reason, we offer refunds/returns within the following timetables for the respective products:

  1. Custom Built Computers – 14 Day Return Policy
    The 14-Day period starts on the day your newly built computer is handed over or picked up by you. Due to the nature of each custom built computer being built on order, we cannot offer an extended return policy beyond the 14 days. Any custom built computers returned within a 7-Day period are subject to a 20% re-stocking fee and we cannot offer a refund for the billable time spent building the computer. Any custom built computers returned past a 7-Day but before the 14-Day period are subject to a 35% re-stocking fee (for hardware + applicable taxes) and no refunds for the billable time spent building the computer will be issued. In the event that a custom-built computer fails to function, we reserve the right to attempt to remediate the issue at hand before a refund can be considered or issued, however, we may offer a partial refund for the building service itself in the event we determine that our installation or configuration of the equipment played a significant role. Any components found to have failed will be replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s warranty and RMA process before any refunds can be considered. Any custom built computers that are returned are subject to an inspection before any refunds are issued. During the inspection, should any hardware be found to have been damaged, misused, neglected, abused, incorrectly overclocked or replaced since the computer was built will be ineligible for a refund. Any such components will be available for pick up by the customer for a period of 60 days. Any equipment left with us for a period longer than 60 days is subject to being sent to a recycling company. Numerous attempts will be made to contact the customer and have them either pick up or arrange shipping for equipment that is available for pick-up before the equipment is recycled. Any recycled equipment cannot be returned to the customer nor can we offer any sort of compensation for customer abandoned equipment. Examples of damage include, but are not limited to, water damage, power damage, missing components, replaced components, dings and scratches on any equipment including the computer case, damage caused due to incorrect usage or a re-configuration of equipment not approved by StreamwoodPC, fire, water, flood, improper electric current. We are also unable to provide a refund for any components that have had their ‘Warranty Void If Removed’ stickers removed. Our usual turnaround time to complete an inspection of a returned computer is 5 business days. Once the inspection has been completed, we will provide you with an itemized list of all the components and your total refund amount. You must agree to the refund in writing (via Email by filling out and singing the form we send you or in-person). Our customers reserve the right to decline our refund and instead take back ownership of their computer should they change their mind during this process. Once a refund has been processed, we can no longer offer the option of our customer taking back ownership of their returned computer as they are usually disassembled and the parts are returned to the manufacturer if possible.

    Any deposits made for custom built computers are fully refundable only until the first piece of equipment is procured. Cancellations while a custom computer build is in progress will be used to cover the expenses of shipping back any procured hardware and to cover any re-stocking fees we may be responsible for as a result of your cancellation. We also reserve the right to utilize your deposit to cover the time spent configuring and procuring hardware. Any remaining deposit funds (after all applicable fees mentioned) will be refunded back to you via your original payment method or check (in the event of a cash deposit).

  2. Computer and Laptop Repair Services – 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
    Our repair services come with a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee includes free diagnostic services in the event another issue occurs within a 30 day period after your computer or laptop has been repaired by us. We cannot be held responsible for any future damage unrelated to repair services performed by our technicians, however, we may choose to assist you with future issues at no cost to you (outside of any hardware that may need to be procured and replaced to resolve the issue). We also, however, reserve the right to decline to service your computer or laptop within or outside of our 30 Day Satisfaction guarantee. Should we decline to service your computer or laptop, we will provide a written reason explaining our stance. Abuse of the 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, for example, will result in us declining to service your device for the foreseeable future. The 30 day satisfaction guarantee holds no real monetary value, and as such, is not subject to any refunds, exchanges or re-assignments and may be both extended as well as cancelled at our discrection.

    No deposits are required for computer and laptop repair services, however, you will be required to fully pay off your total balance due before your repaired device is returned to you. A minimum diagnostic fee of $100 will be charged in the event we identify issues with your device and you choose to not have us perform the necessary repairs and/or fixes. No equipment shall be returned until all outstanding balances are paid by the customer. In the event a customer refuses to pay the outstanding bill after mutually agreed-upon services have been performed, we reserve the right to hold on to the customer’s equipment/device(s) as well as remove any parts that have been replaced by our technicians.

  3. Residential Camera Systems – 14 Day Return Policy
    The 14-Day period starts from the day your residential camera system has been fully installed and configured. We cannot honor any returns past the 14-Day period. All return requests of Residential Camera Systems must be provided to us in writing (via Email or Postal Mail) upon which we will schedule a date and time to remove all of the equipment installed by us at your residence. We reserve the right to take up to 5 business days in order to come out for a removal appointment. Once all the installed equipment has been removed and inventoried, we must perform an inspection of the equipment to ensure none of it has been damaged or replaced. We reserve the right to take up to another 5 business days from the date of removal in order for our inspection of the equipment to be completed. Our 14 Day Return Policy for residential camera systems ONLY covers installations that have been performed by StreamwoodPC or a contractor that was approved by StreamwoodPC to install the equipment. In the event that camera systems equipment procured from us is installed, re-located or re-configured by a non-approved third party and results in inadequate coverage or damage to the camera, we cannot be held liable and cannot offer a refund for any equipment or services rendered.

    Deposits for residential camera systems are required and are fully refundable only until the first piece of equipment is procured on your behalf. In the event that you cancel an order while it is in progress, we reserve the right to cover any and all of our expenses from your deposit and only then refund the remainder of the deposit. Any and all expenses in this context is applicable to, but not limited to: shipping costs, re-stocking fees, billable time spent designing/configuring/purchasing your system.

  4. Computer and Laptop Upgrades – 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
    Our upgrade services also come with a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. This guarantee includes free diagnostic services in the event you still experience issues with your upgraded laptop or computer within a 30 day period of upgrade services being performed. We cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur after the laptop has been handed back over to you, however, we will assist with any issues you may experience for a 30 day period at no service cost to you. We reserve the right to decide on whether troubleshooting of a reported issue should take place remotely or on-site. Should any additional hardware need to be procured and replaced, we will perform these services at a discounted rate, however, you will have to pay full price for any required hardware unless the hardware that failed is hardware we originally replaced and procured on your behalf from our distributors. Our free diagnostic services are for hardware, drivers, and operating systems only.
    We will not offer free diagnostics services nor assistance with third party software.

  5. Third Party Software – Manufacturer Guidelines
    Third party software is hereby defined as any software not manufactured, programmed or designed by StreamwoodPC. StreamwoodPC is not a software nor coding company, therefore, for the purposes of this policy, all software is considered third-party software. Examples of third party software include, but are not limited to, anti-virus software, Windows operating systems, gaming applications, PDF viewing software, etc. Refunds for third party software will be considered on a case by case basis due to a wide variety of software being available for StreamwoodPC to install on your computer should you choose to have us do so. In the event that the software manufacturer or distributer allows for software to be refunded, we will refund the software through the manufacturer/distributer and process the refund once the cancellation/refund has been processed on the manufacturer/distributer’s end. In the event that a piece of software cannot be refunded due to the manufacturer’s refund policy or licensing guidelines, we will be unable to process/approve your refund. We implore that you read and understand the refund policies for any software you choose to have StreamwoodPC purchase and install on your behalf. All customers reserve the right to purchase any software directly from a manufacturer or distributor. In the event a customer purchases software directly, we cannot be hold responsible and cannot be expected to contact the manufacturer or distributor for any reason. We reserve the right to bill the customer for any time spent troubleshooting such applications on their behalf.